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The autumn fundraiser only raised around half of what we had hoped. Despite that, the moderators have contributed around £600 to ensure that SFM remains alive and well until Spring.  We are grateful for the continued support of many of you who help out again and again. We really do take inspiration from the confidence that you have in the blog.

After almost thirteen years of existence as a non-partisan website and blog (relatively unique to the soccer blogosphere), SFM is still one of the most influential and informative sources of news and analysis in Scottish Football. Our daily numbers are far below what they were in the early days of our existence, but the site still experiences massive spam comments from disaffected football fans, and regular co-ordinated DoS attacks, as well as being a recognised source of insightful opinion and fact in matters of Scottish Football.

We still strive – and will continue to strive, to give an honest commentary of the affairs of the game and to hold the powers at Hampden to account.

In those years we have cast a spotlight on the errors, inconsistencies and deliberate misinformation peddled by the MSM on matters related to our national game. We have helped to expose succulent lamb journalism – and we will continue to do so.

Of course we know that there are ever growing demands and pleas for funds from online sources. That said, we hope if you CAN help, you will.

SFM content or participation is not hidden behind any paywall, and there are no ‘Subscriber-Only’ bonuses. The truth has to be available to all of us regardless. That is our our overarching aim.

SFM is grateful for your help which allows it to continue its work. You can donate a monthly amount using the “Subscribe” button below, or you can donate a single amount, by using the “Donate” button. If you prefer not to use PayPal, SFM now has a bank account to enable non-PayPal donations.

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Payment by this method avoids PayPal (around 50p per transaction) or banking fees. You can also set up a standing order at our bank as an alternative to a PayPal s

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